Development and validation of an attitudes and practices questionnaire regarding on COVID-19 (AP-COVID-19)

Published: 9 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yh7ccjbfnz.1


This study validates an questionnaire in spanish that assess attitudes and practices among workers towards COVID19. This instrument was named as "AP-COVID-19". - Supplemental file 1: "AP-COVID-19." Spanish version. The item 12 was deleted before data collection because it had low relevance and representativeness (Aiken's V: 0.69; 95% confidence interval: 0.55 - 0.8). - Supplemental file 2: Dataset used for validation of the "AP-COVID-19.


Steps to reproduce

In the first phase, we conducted a research about questionnaires that assess attitudes and practices in COVID-19 pandemic. For that purpose, specialized search engines like Google Scholar, PubMed, SciELO and Proquest were used. Furthermore, Uptodate was used to obtain information about the epidemiology and symptomatology of the disease. The keywords used were "SARS-CoV-2," "COVID-19," "coronavirus," "KAP," "validation study" and "preventive measures". In addition, a filter was used for the date from December 2019 to avoid literature from old forms of coronavirus. With these data, a first draft was made, which was subjected to evaluation and improvements. This draft had six attitude questions and eleven practice questions, with a total of 17 items. In the second phase, the first draft of the instrument was submitted to a content validity. Seventeen experts from many specialties analyzed the relevance, representativeness and clarity of each item. This feedback was then quantified using Aiken's V coefficient. This process resulted in 16 items, where six of them regarded attitudes and ten of them, practices. In the third phase, a pilot test was carried out on 31 people to evaluate comprehension errors and some modifications to the design of the online test. In the fourth phase, the AP-COVID-19 scale was administered to people who were working. They were contacted via institutional mail and Whatsapp. Finally, in the fifth phase, the survey was submitted to a construct validity using Factor Analysis as the statistical technique. This resulted in three questions about attitudes and nine questions about practices, with a total of 12 items.


Universidad Peruana Union, Universidad Continental, Universidad Norbert Wiener, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


Public Health, Primary Prevention, Coronavirus, Attitude, Occupational Medicine, Instrument Development, Attitude and Beliefs, Validation Study, COVID-19, Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey
