Volcanic Vortex Rings acoustic and translation data: Stromboli (Italy) 2018 and 2019

Published: 24 June 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/yhbzrsbyp5.2
Jacopo Taddeucci,
, Stefano Panunzi


High-speed imaging and acoustic measurements of volcanic vortex rings at Stromboli in two days in 2018 and 2019. The .mat files from 20180912_0953_1 to 20190511_1327_1 (yyyymmdd_hhmm_#) include the acoustic data (Pa), sampled at 10 kHz. The axial_position_data.mat file includes two variables: ringrise2018 (81x63) and ringrise2019 (21x30). In the ringrise2018 variable, columns from 1 to 3 (and repeat) are, for each VVR, (1): time (s); (2): vertical position above vent (m); (3): rise velocity (m/s); In the ringrise2019 variable, columns from 1 to 5 (and repeat) are, for each VVR, (1): vertical position above the vent (m); (2): lateral position (m); (3): time (s); (4): measuring line length (m); (5): rise velocity (m/s). The VVR_data.mat file includes two variables: VVR_2018 (21x5) and VVR_2019 (7x5). In both variables, columns from 1 to 5 are: (1): acoustic peak prominence (Pa); (2): acoustic peak width (s); (3): max VVR rise velocity (m/s); (4): VVR-particle delay (s); (5) mean particle velocity in the first 0.1 s (m/s).



Geophysics, Volcanic Eruption
