Khoury Fala Runyan 2022

Published: 8 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yhr8vhk6yv.1
Christine Khoury


Data used for Khoury et al., 2022. Each .mat file contains data from a single imaging session. All variables are saved in imaging frames rather than time. 1 frame is ~33 ms. Each variable is described below: deconvnonpass: deconvolved activity traces of Non-SOM neurons during passive listening context (neurons x imaging frames) deconvnonspont: deconvolved activity trace: deconvolved activity traces of Non-SOM neurons during spontaneous context (neurons x imaging frames) deconvredpass: deconvolved activity traces of SOM neurons during passive listening context (neurons x imaging frames) deconvredspont: deconvolved activity trace: deconvolved activity traces of SOM neurons during spontaneous context (neurons x imaging frames) dffnonpass: DF/F activity traces of Non-SOM neurons during passive listening context (neurons x imaging frames) dffnonspont: DF/F activity traces of Non-SOM neurons during spontaneous context (neurons x imaging frames) dffredpass: DF/F activity traces of SOM neurons during passive listening context (neurons x imaging frames) dffredspont: DF/F activity traces of SOM neurons during spontaneous context (neurons x imaging frames) dist: structure containing matrices of pairwise distances; dist.subsub contains a SOM x SOM matrix of the pairwise distance in microns of each possible pair of SOM neurons; dist.nonnon contains a Non-SOM x Non-SOM matrix of the pairwise distance in microns of each possible pair of Non-SOM neurons; dist.nonsub contains a SOM x Non-SOM matrix of the pairwise distance in microns of each possible SOM/Non-SOM pair; dist.all contains a neuron x neuron matrix including the pairwise distance all possible pairs of neurons in microns. pupilpass: normalized pupil area during passive listening context (in imaging frames) pupilspont: normalized pupil area during spontaneous context (in imaging frames) soundLocs: a variable showing which sound was playing during each imaging frame. Value is 0 if none. 1 indicates -90 degrees; 2, +90; 3, -30; 4, +30; 5, -60; 6, +60; 7, -15; 8, +15. soundReps: a variable indicating what sound repetition # is on at a certain imaging frame (0 if none). soundOnset: a variable that has value 1 at frames where a sound stimulus begins. xvp: x velocity during passive listening context (cm/s). xvs: x velocity during spontaneous context (cm/s). yvp: y velocity during passive listening context (cm/s). yvs: y velocity during spontaneous context (cm/s).


Steps to reproduce

Details to reproduce data are available in Khoury et al., 2022. Original code found at be used in conjunction with this data to reproduce figures and values from Khoury et al., 2022.


University of Pittsburgh


Neuroscience, Behavior (Neuroscience), Somatostatin, Neural Inhibition
