Hao spatial nuclearity - Media articles Dataset

Published: 15 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yhzpnx637k.1
Teva Meyer


Corpus of articles coming from the main six French Polynesian media (radio and TV stations as well as local and online newspapers): Tahiti Pacifique, Tahiti Info, La 1ère, Tahiti Nui TV, Radio1, la Dépêche de Tahiti.


Steps to reproduce

Research was conducted on the media’s website database using keywords in French: “Hao” AND “gravats [gravels]”; “Hao” AND “agrégats [aggregates]”; “Hao” AND “ferrailles [scrap metals]”; “Hao” AND “métaux [metals]”. As we do not speak nor read one of the five dialects recognized in French Polynesia, we acknowledge that one of the limits of our study is the absence of findings in Tahitian languages. In total, the corpus gathered 45 articles.


Research Article
