Raman Scattering gathering from pure glucose liquid: 14-labels and 10-labels datasets

Published: 29 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yk75sxk6p5.1
Trí Ngô Quang


These datasets are derived from Raman spectroscopy collected from the reflection of a laser after passing glucose fluid with different fixed glucose levels. These datasets were produced by a large-size Raman spectrometer at Vietnam National University, Hanoi. There are 2 datasets, including a dense dataset and a spare dataset. The glucose levels in the dense dataset include 14 levels. Each level has 5 samples. The total number of sample is 70. The glucose levels in the spare dataset include 10 levels. Each level has 5 samples. The total number of sample is 50. The files in each of the two datasets include 2 CSV files: the data file and the label file. [1] The data file contains all Raman scattering sequences. Each sequence lies in a row and has 2048 numbers. [2] The label file contains all label code Raman scattering sequences in the data file [1]. Each label code lies in a row, which is the label of the Raman scattering sequence in the same row in the data file [1]. Details: Tenlabels_RamanData.csv: The data file of the spare dataset. Tenlabels_labels.csv: The label file of the spare dataset. Fourteenlabels_RamanData.csv: The data file of the dense dataset. Fourteenlabels_labels.csv: The label file of the dense dataset.



Vietnam National University


Glucose, Raman Scattering
