Data for: A Prioritization-based Analysis of Open Data Portals: The Case study of Chinese Local Governments

Published: 16 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ykdbpdmspy.1
Di Wang, Deborah Richards, Chuanfu Chen


We have used Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to derive the priorities of all the factors in the evaluation framework for open government data (OGD) portals. The results of AHP process were shown in the uploaded pdf file. We have collected 2635 open government datasets of 15 different subject categories (local statistics, health, education, cultural activity, transportation, map, public safety, policies and legislation, weather, environment quality, registration, credit records, international trade, budget and spend, and government bid) from 9 OGD portals in China (Beijing, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan, XInjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan). These datasets were used for the evaluation of these portals in our study. The records of the quality and open access of these datasets could be found in the uploaded Excel file.



Information Science, Big Data, Government Information
