Lognitudinal Data on Employee Attitudes and Personality in Activity-Based Work Environments

Published: 28 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ykdvcw248r.1


Longitudinal data was collected from employees of two smaller organizations implementing activity-based work environments. The survey included perceived productivity, job satisfaction, work environment satisfaction, privacy, psychological ownership, personality and more (See Survey-Items.xlsx for full list of variables). Most items are statements that participants responded to using a 5-point scale ranging from 'Strongly disagree' to 'Strongly agree'. The sample consisted of 50 employees with each employee surveyed on four times. At each time-point, the response rate was 56–76%, providing 152 observations over 13 months. The first survey was administered about one month before implementing an activity-based work environment (Time 1). The second survey took place about one month after implementation (Time 2), followed by surveys at six (Time 3) and 12 months (Time 4) after implementation. The physical work environment at Time 2, 3, and 4 was the same—the difference being that employees had spent more time in the new work environment in each subsequent measurement.



Haskolinn i Reykjavik


Applied Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Work Environment, Employee Personality, Employee Attitude, Longitudinal Research
