Landslides in Greenland from ArcticDEM time series analysis

Published: 28 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ykh4bnd4zp.1
Chunli Dai


Polygons of Greenland landslides mapped from ArcticDEM time series. These data are the results in a paper entitled "Landslides in Greenland from ArcticDEM time series analysis". Format: ESRI Shapefile (Polygons) Projection: EPSG:4326 (Lat/Lon WGS84) GreenlandLandslides.shp: SHAPE_AREA (m^2), zone (scar or deposits), latitude, longitude, volume change (m^3), volume change uncertainties (m^3), file (the corresponding elevation change files). landslidetif_greenland: contains the surface elevation change files for each landslide. givensite_listused.txt: a list of ArcticDEM strip file names used for change estimation. givensite_jump.tif: elevation change in meters. givensite_jumpfilter1filled.tif: elevation change in meters with holes filled. givensite_jumpstd.tif: elevation change uncertainty in meters. givensite_eventtimeT1.tif: date of the closest measurement before detected change. The date format is YYYYMMDD. givensite_eventtimeT2.tif: date of the closest measurement after change. givensite_nov.tif: The number of overlapping DEMs used for each pixel. givensite_bitmask.tif: Integer flag of whether the estimated change has a high confidence level. 1 is high confidence, and 0 is bad/low confidence. givensite_curvature.tif: DEM curvature unit-less. They are Geotiff files, which can be visualized in QGIS (open software). You can also read the files using Matlab code (



Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing
