Measurement of temperatures, HVAC system values and weather-station readings for single-floor industrial building in Croatia
This data is measurements for temperature inside building, together with measurements from HVAC system (radiator based) and reading from outside weather station. Data was used for estimation of parameters of thermodynamic model of building and HVAC system. Outside temperature, heat-flow from HVAC system and Solar radiation were used for inputs, while inside temperatures are outputs of model. This is industrial building with offices and production space. Office part is in two-floors and is equipped with separate heating system based on floor-heating. Rooms are equipped with independent thermostats and there are no measurements in them. During winter, temperature in offices is set between 20 and 24 °C, depending if office is occupied. Production space is separated in four zones: Assembly (largest, 24x16m), Entry (8x8), Mechanical preparation (8x8) and Warehouse (8x16). Production is space is made from concrete construction with structural insulating panel (SIP). There are several windows on all spaces, made from triple-glazing. There are one small door for personnel and one big doors for loading/unloading, both on Entry outside wall. There are several doors between space, which are closed most of the time. There is one small door connecting Assembly with office part of the building. HVAC system for production consist of one 35kW hot-water boiler. There is a pump and three-way valve that mixes water to setpoint temperature (usually around 60 °C). Water is then supplied to ceiling radiators in spaces. For each space, there is an open-close valve, controlled by PLC (simple hysteresis ON-OFF controller). Outside, there is weather-station Davies, model Vantage Pro2. Data is following: Date Time Outside temperature (HVAC) °C (this is sensor on one wall without cover, so it is affected by Sun and is not reliable) Assembly temperature °C Entry temperature °C Mechanical preparation temperature °C Warehouse temperature °C Flow m3/h (of supply water) Supply water temperature °C Return water temperature °C Assembly valve state (0 is closed, 1 is open) Entry valve state Mechanical preparation valve state Warehouse valve state Assembly setpoint temperature °C Entry setpoint temperature °C Mechanical preparation setpoint temperature °C Warehouse setpoint temperature °C Supply water setpoint temperature °C Outside temperature (weather station) °C (this is reliable outside temperature) Outside humidity % Wind speed m/s Solar radiation W/m2 Measurements are in 15 minute interval (if it was more frequent, it was averaged to 15 minutes). There are two breaks in data, at 11.1.2019 16:15:00 and at 24.1.2019 17:30:00. Data also include thermodynamic model that was used with this data (initial model and resulting optimized model).
Steps to reproduce
Data is following: Date ( Time (hh:mm:ss) Outside temperature (HVAC) °C (this is sensor on one wall without cover, so it is affected by Sun and is not reliable) Assembly temperature °C Entry temperature °C Mechanical preparation temperature °C Warehouse temperature °C Flow m3/h (of supply water) Supply water temperature °C Return water temperature °C Assembly valve state (0 is closed, 1 is open) Entry valve state (0 is closed, 1 is open) Mechanical preparation valve state (0 is closed, 1 is open) Warehouse valve state (0 is closed, 1 is open) Assembly setpoint temperature °C Entry setpoint temperature °C Mechanical preparation setpoint temperature °C Warehouse setpoint temperature °C Supply water setpoint temperature °C Outside temperature (weather station) °C (this is reliable outside temperature) Outside humidity % Wind speed m/s Solar radiation W/m2 Measurements are in 15 minute interval (if it was more frequent, it was averaged to 15 minutes). There are two breaks in data, at 11.1.2019 16:15:00 and at 24.1.2019 17:30:00.