Finite strain analysis - Samples IESP3SP161, IESP3SP162 and IESP3SP164 (Barabarca quartzite, Elba Island, Italy)

Published: 25 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ymbcxhpgyr.1
Samuele Papeschi


This dataseset contains finite strain analysis data for samples IESP3SP161, IESP3SP162 and IESP3SP164 (see details on the SESAR geo samples repository). It includes the high-resolution scans of the polished slabs used for finite strain analysis, the data processed with EllipseFit (copyright: Vollmer, 2014) and the Finite Strain excel spreadsheet by Chew (2003; computers & geosciences). The selected samples are LS metaconglomerate with deformed quartzite clasts in a quartz-rich matrix. The polished slabs, oriented parallel to the XZ and YZ sections of the finite strain ellipsoid, were processed with EllipseFit (Vollmer, 2015) to estimate the axial ratio Rf and the angle with the foliation (φ) of the deformed strain markers. The Rf/φ data was hence processed with the finite strain spreadsheet by Chew (2003) to reconstruct the θ-curves, calculate the harmonic mean H and perform the χ^2 test (see details in Lisle, 1985).



Universita di Pisa Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo


Geology, Structural Geology, Metamorphic Geology, Microstructure, Strain Measurement, Deformation Microstructures, Microstructural Analysis, Contact Metamorphism, Rock Metamorphism, Finite Strain
