Experimental and theoretical observation of the semiconductor-ferromagnetic features of europium ferrocobaltite EuFe0.5Co0.5O3
X-ray diffraction data, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, electrical resitivity, magnetization as a function of temperature, magnetization as a function of external magnetic field, and density of electronic states for the EuFe0.5Co0.5O3 compound synthesized by solid state reaction are presented. Its scientific relevance lies in the coexistence of semiconductivity and ferromagnetism at room temperature, enhancing it as a spintronic material.
Steps to reproduce
After removing their moisture at 120 oC, powdered oxides of Eu2O3, Fe2O3 and Co3O4 of purity >99.99% were weighed in stoichiometric proportions according to the proposed perovskite formula, aiming at the formation of 1 g mass samples. An Ohaus Pioneer balance allowed weighing to an accuracy of 0.1 mg. The resulting powders were crushed and mixed in an agate mortar for a time of 3 hours and were subsequently die-cut into 9.0 mm diameter pellets under the application of a pressure of 1505 MPa. The obtained pellets were calcined at 850 oC for 24 h in a Lindberg-Blue furnace, after which they were milled again for 30 min and pressed again for their final thermal sintering process at 1120 oC for 72 h. The pellets were then fired at 850 oC for 24 h in a Lindberg-Blue furnace.