Data and code for study "Economywide effects of climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia"

Published: 10 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ymfk792r6n.1
Adam M. Komarek


Details: the zip file '' contains four main folders that hold the code and data required to replicate the main results reported in the study titled "Economywide effects of climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia". The study DOI is Study authors: Adam M. Komarek, James Thurlow, Jawoo Koo and Alessandro De Pinto Author to who correspondence may be addressed: Adam Komarek ( Most recent edit: July 12th, 2019 Description of the four main folders inside ' 1. The folder 'scripts' contains the R scripts. There are 7 scripts, which are ordered sequentially. 'csaEth.Rproj' is the R project and it must be opened to set the project directory, which is needed to import the data inside the R scripts. 2. The folder 'data' contains the data used in the R scripts including the results of the crop modeling. 3. The folder 'output' contains the tables, figures, and data files generated by the R scripts. 4. The folder 'Ethiopia_CSA_CGE_model' contains 1) the GAMS code and associated data files for the CGE model used to generate the economywide results. Within GAMS use '0project.gpr' as the project. and 2) The Stata files and data required to generate the poverty results.


Steps to reproduce

Agricultural Economics, Mathematical Programming, Population, Malawi, Crop Yield


Agricultural Economics, Climate Change, Ethiopia, Computable General Equilibrium Model
