Effects of Deep Soft Tissue Manipulation in Low Back Pain Patients

Published: 16 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ymsrvpg4rh.1
Kiran Kumar Subudhi


HYPOTHESIS: It was hypothesized that there would be decrease in pain during various functional activities and increase in lumbar spine range of motion after giving deep soft tissue manipulation over parascapular and paraspinal muscle in subjects with low back pain (LBP) in one group and disease specific treatment to another group. It was also hypothesized that deep soft tissue manipulation over parascapular and paraspinal muscle would be more effective than disease specific treatment. NULL HYPOTHESIS: There will be no effect of deep soft tissue manipulation in subjects with low back pain. TYPE OF STUDY: Experimental study RESEARCH DESIGN: The Pre-Test, Post-Test Control Group Study Design which is experimental in nature. RESEARCH SETTING: The study was conducted at the musculoskeletal unit of physiotherapy department, SVNIRTAR, Olatpur, Cuttack. SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES:  Randomized sampling with random assignment to subgroup was done.  Total sample consist of 84 subjects (52 males and 32 females) age range (25 - 50) year with mean age was (40.16 ± 1.11), with Low Back Pain. INCLUSION CRITERIA:  Subjects having LBP with or without radiation for more than 3 months.  Stretching of parascapular muscles reproduce/aggravate the original symptom.  The age between 25 - 50 years in both the sex. EXCLUSION CRITERIA:  Age above 50  LBP due to tumour  LBP due to spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis  Osteoporosis  Previous back surgery  Known Rheumatic, neurological, or mental disease  Fracture  Any contraindication to manual therapy OUTCOME MEASURES: Modified Schober's Test for lumbar spine range of motion and Visual Analogue Scale to quantify pain during various functional activities (lying, sitting, standing, walking, travelling). PROCEDURE: 84 subjects both males and females (52 males and 32 females), were evaluated with the mean age of (40.16 ± 1.11) years and average duration of low back pain (17.70 ± 2.71) months, based on the fulfillment of the inclusion and exclusion criteria through an informed consent and assessment performa. The subjects were randomly assigned into 2 groups i.e. Group 1: Conventional group and Group 2: Experimental group. Before initiating the treatment, subjects were assessed for baseline values of all the dependent variables i.e. lumbar spine range of motion measured by Modified Schober’s Test and Pain during various Functional activities i.e. lying, sitting, standing, walking, travelling measured by Visual Analogue Scale. INTERVENTION:  Conventional: 42 subjects (28 males and 14 females) with mean age of 39.78 ± 1.16 received disease specific treatment.  Experimental: 42 subjects (24 males and 18 females) with mean age of 40.54 ± 1.07 received deep soft tissue manipulation of parascapular and paraspinal muscles. All the patient were taught and encouraged to do home exercise program. At the end of 2 weeks and 4 weeks of intervention post measurement for all dependent variables were taken again.



Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Physiotherapeutic Technique, Musculoskeletal Examination
