Contactless tensile probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale
Original data for Supplementary Videos 1 and 2 of "Contactless probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale suggests weaker tensile properties than thought" by Datig et al., Nature Comm. 2020. The data are video microscopy recordings during an experiment designed to form a polycrystalline methane hydrate halo, which is subsequently subjected to tensile stress using a contactless thermal method. Video 1: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -23.5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min. Video 2: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min.