Spiritual Resources of Family Members of Patients in Palliative Care in Brazil

Published: 23 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ynm7d6w5k7.1
Hartmut August


Although religiosity is a strong feature of Brazilian people, the integration of spirituality in palliative care (PC) has been a challenge for health care professionals. In order to evaluate the spiritual resources used by family members of patients in PC, this work presents the results of the research carried out with 50 family members. The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Centrality of Religiosity Scale, Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale, Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale and Attachment to God Inventory were applied. The prevalence of positive spiritual/religious coping was very high (76%) or high (6%). There was a strong correlation between positive spiritual/religious coping and centrality of religiosity (r=.805; SD=.87). There was a moderate negative correlation between the avoidant attachment to God and centrality of religiosity (r=-.611; SD=1.24) and positive spiritual/religious coping (r=-.575; SD=1.37). There was a moderate positive correlation between the anxious attachment to God and spiritual struggles (r=.515; SD=.76) and negative spiritual/religious coping (r=.555; SD=.616). These results suggest that spiritual/religious resources are present in family members of patients in PC. These resources have been mostly ignored by the multidisciplinary team. Findings provide an evidence base for training health care professionals to better integrate spirituality in PC settings.



Palliative Care, Spirituality, Religiosity
