Fishing Capacity and Economic Profile of Commercial Fishing Vessels in Kuantan, Pahang State, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Published: 22 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ynwmjpj82n.1
moe sin,


The marine capture fishery in Malaysia contributed significantly to the national economy and inshore fishery is the main contributor of the fish landings. The importance of marine fisheries is not only for the political and social also for the ecological aspect concerning with economy and well-being of the coastal communities. Moreover, the long-term sustainability of marine fisheries calls for the maintaining and important consideration upon it. Due to the complex system of marine and coastal area, the interaction among the fish population, economy and management policy are crucially need to evaluated. The main focus of the research is modelling fishing fleet dynamic and fishermen behavior. Therefore, the behavior of fishermen with respect to over-fishing and the impact of current management policy; and simulation the dynamics of fishing fleet using the proposed management policies with the aim of sustainable fishery management practices are the main expected outcomes by the research. Therefore, hypotheses could be stated in the study: H(1): The fishing effort by each vessel and overall fishing fleet, which directly changes with the profit of fishing vessel more fishing fleet will enter the industry with increasing profit. H(2): The proper combination of management policies will address the profit maximization and sustainable fishery management in the long run. Therefore, the research questions include: -How fishermen behave on short term and long term effort allocation and key fishermen behavior of entry and exit decisions to achieve the desired socioeconomic and biological objectives; and -How fishermen behave in line with the profit maximization and impact of management policies and what is the proper combination of fishery management policies with the aim of sustainable fisheries management. - The data presents the economic profile and performance capacity of commercial fishing vessels. These data are useful to predict the number of catches and provide information about value in economic analyses, to predict the performance and contribution of commercial fishery to the economic development. These data been collected from the trawl and purse seine fishers at the commercial fishing industry at East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The data could be used for the economic management of commercial fishing industry with different stakeholders including fisheries department and other institutions. - The data will be highly beneficial for the researcher who focus on the commercial fishing industry studies. - These data can be used for further insights to produce recommended policies in the fishing industries. - The data can be used to characterize the need of economic analysis precisely. It helps to identify the commercial fishing vessels cost and expenditure. - These data show the income of crew depends on the type of vessels and gear types and will explains the percentage and share that been split for the income.


Steps to reproduce

The data been collected towards the targeted area of fishermen at the LKIM landing port Kuantan. The questionnaire will distribute to the commercial industry fishermen only. The questionnaire holds on the specific economic data such as (1) bait, (2) fuel cost, (3) maintenance of vessels, (4) gear replacement or repair, and (5) crew meals and salary. Include, the fixed expenses such as (1) gears, (2) engine, (3) vessel equipment, and (4) the yearly expenses. The questionnaire also consists of the catch data specifically and include the vessels details such as engine horsepower, sizes of the vessels and the gear types and the fishermen behaviors. The questionnaire also split the data according to the seasons such as (1) monsoon and (2) non monsoon seasons for further understanding for the studies. The data been exported into excel spreadsheet precisely. In the excel spreadsheet, the data been put it on into table forms for better analysis. The survey questionnaire is in 2 types of languages which are (1) English and (2) Bahasa Malaysia. The questionnaires used to conduct the survey was Malay language then the details been converted into English. The survey raw data adapted by the fishermen respondents and they responders cooperated well in this process. This makes the procedures to work smooth. The dataset is presented in a single file with 10 sheets: - The first sheet presents the definition of the variables used in the survey questionnaire and together with the unit details. - The second sheet presents the section A: demographic of respondents with 13 column and 156 row. It consists of 11 variables in detail. - The third sheet presents the section B: B1: vessel type and B2: investment and fixed cost information. This section consists of 23 variables. The raw data set quantity is n=156. The vessel type details are from A to H and the information about investment and fixed cost from J to CP. The total fixed cost been calculated overall. - The fourth sheet here represents the section C1: The fishing trip information. It consists of 5 main variables and consists of the average catch per trip. - The fifth sheet about the section C2: The fishing cost per trip with 6 main variables. This sheet consists of raw data about cost per trip. - The sixth sheet here explains about the section C3: the yearly cost of the vessels. This sheet consists of 8 variables. The variables been calculated according to the vessels yearly cost. - The seventh sheet here represents the section D1: fishing area of the vessels with 2 main variables. These variables will help to identify the number fishing ground by the vessels. [ the structured questionnaire used for data collection is attached.]


Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Fisheries Economics
