Annex B. Supplementary data – DSM-based design of the CFS pin-ended columns analysed
Published: 5 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yptphdyxb7.1
Alexandre LandesmannDescription
These tables are divided in three sets (B1 to B3, respectively for PS, PCm and PCM columns), each of them comprising seven tables, one for each of the seven cross-section shapes considered in this work (U, C, H, R, RLC, WSC, WFSC). Each table provides the (i) geometries, (ii) buckling loads (Pcr.FT, Pb.Fm, Pb.D, Pb.L) and RLD and RG ratios, (iii) yield stresses and numerical failure loads (Pu), and (iv) tDSM numerical-to-predicted ultimate strength ratios (Pu/PnG, Pu/PnFT-Fm, Pu/PnDFT).
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Editora UFRJ