Supplementary material for "Herd-level prevalence of bovine leukemia virus, Salmonella Dublin and Neospora caninum in Alberta, Canada, dairy herds using ELISA on bulk tank milk samples"
Supplementary materials for the manuscript titled, "Herd-level prevalence of bovine leukemia virus, Salmonella Dublin and Neospora caninum in Alberta, Canada, dairy herds using ELISA on bulk tank milk samples" by Shaukat et al. 2024. It includes, Fig S1, Fig S2, Fig S3, Fig S4, Fig S5, and Fig S6. Supplementary Figure S1. Frequency distribution of Percentage Inhibition (PI%) of ELISA detecting antibodies against bovine leukemia virus in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds across 4 timepoints. The red dotted lines indicate the cut-off values of ≥30 and <20% for categorizing positive and negative samples, respectively. Supplementary Figure S2. Spread of the Percentage Inhibition (PI%) of ELISA detecting antibodies against bovine leukemia virus in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds for positive, negative and suspected samples across 4 timepoints. Supplementary Figure S3. Frequency distribution of Percent Positivity (PP%) of ELISA detecting antibodies against Salmonella Dublin in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds across 4 timepoints. The red dotted line indicates the cut-off value of ≥35% for categorizing positive and negative samples. Supplementary Figure S4. Spread of the Percent Positivity (PP%) for ELISA detecting antibodies against Salmonella Dublin in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds for positive and negative samples across 4 timepoints. Supplementary Figure S5. Frequency distribution of Sample to Positive Ratio (S/P) of ELISA detecting antibodies against Neospora caninum in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds across 4 timepoints. The red dotted line shows the cut-off value of ≥0.50 for categorizing positive and negative samples. Supplementary Figure S6. Spread of the sample to positive ratios for ELISA detecting antibodies against Neospora caninum in bulk tank milk samples from Alberta dairy herds for positive and negative samples across 4 timepoints.