White Fragrant Flowers Western Region of India

Published: 15 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yr23h7x8dv.1
Milind Gayakwad


The dataset of white fragrant flowers of 7 different types at western region of the India from year 2014 to 2024 is created. The dataset helps in identifying the category of the white fragrant flower. Also, the data is going to be the asset in object detection and studying Transfer Learning on the dataset. The dataset comprises of flowers like - Jasmine (Jasminum), Parijaat(Nyctanthes arbor-tristis), Jai (Jasminum auriculatum), Jui (Jasminum grandiflorum), Chafa ( Plumeria alba), Raatrani (Cestrum nocturnum), Anant (Gardenia jasminoides)



Computer Vision, Transfer Learning
