Experimental Data Set for VRSP-OAPRL

Published: 3 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/yrdc5d6j93.2
Seung Jae Lee,


This data consists of experimental instances used in the numerical experiments and the sensitivity of a vehicle routing and scheduling problem with order acceptance for pharmaceutical refrigerated logistics (VRSP-OAPRL) For each instance of small-sized experiments, large-sized experiments, and Sensitivity analysis, we provide three 'CSV file", and |I|, |V|, and CA are experimental parameters the number of orders, vehicles, and capacity of vehicles, respectively. Experimental data depending upon |I|, |V|, and CA are as follows: 1. CUS_COORDINATE_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv 2. DATA_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv 3.TIME_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv In "CUS_COORDINATE_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv", we provide the coordinate of customer j and a number of orders of customer j Row 1 means Depot and Customer j. Row 2 means X-coordinate of Depot and Customer j. Row 3 means the Y-coordinate of Depot and Customer j. Row 4 means a number of orders of customer j. ex) Row1 0 (depot) 1 2 ... 19 20 Row2 0 9 -9 ... -2 -18 Row3 0 15 -9 ... -16 13 Row4 0 5 5 ... 5 6 For example, Customer 1 located at (9, 15) and ordered 5 pharmaceutical items. In "DATA_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv", we provide the Storage temperature window of order i, the Revenue of order i, Due date of order i, the Shelf life of order i, and Weight of order i. Column 0 means order i. Column 1 means the lower bound of storage temperature window of order i. Column 2 means the upper bound of the storage temperature window of order i. Column 3 means revenue of order i. Column 4 means due date of order i. Column 5 means the shelf life of order i. Column 6 means weight of order i. ex) Col0 Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 1 -59 -13 121 18 136 9 2 -48 -25 57 18 32 9 … … … … … … … 99 -72 -9 137 237 289 7 100 -51 -7 176 237 341 14 In "TIME_Order_Num_|I|_Vehicle_Num_|V|_Capa_CA.csv", we provide Delivery time from nodes i to j.



Metaheuristics, Vehicle Routing Problem


Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

