Prediction of Heart Attack

Published: 10 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yrwd336rkz.1
Rakin Sad Aftab


The dataset consists of 303 observations, each representing a unique patient, and 14 different attributes associated with heart disease. This dataset is a critical resource for researchers focusing on predictive analytics in cardiovascular diseases. Variables Overview: 1. Age: A continuous variable indicating the age of the patient. 2. Sex: A categorical variable with two levels ('Male', 'Female'), indicating the gender of the patient. 3. CP (Chest Pain type): A categorical variable describing the type of chest pain experienced by the patient, with categories such as 'Asymptomatic', 'Atypical Angina', 'Typical Angina', and 'Non-Angina'. 4. TRTBPS (Resting Blood Pressure): A continuous variable indicating the resting blood pressure (in mm Hg) on admission to the hospital. 5. Chol (Serum Cholesterol): A continuous variable measuring the serum cholesterol in mg/dl. 6. FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar): A binary variable where 1 represents fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl, and 0 otherwise. 7. Rest ECG (Resting Electrocardiographic Results): Categorizes the resting electrocardiographic results of the patient into 'Normal', 'ST Elevation', and other categories. 8. Thalachh (Maximum Heart Rate Achieved): A continuous variable indicating the maximum heart rate achieved by the patient. 9. Exng (Exercise Induced Angina): A binary variable where 1 indicates the presence of exercise-induced angina, and 0 otherwise. 10. Oldpeak (ST Depression Induced by Exercise Relative to Rest): A continuous variable indicating the ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest. 11. Slope (Slope of the Peak Exercise ST Segment): A categorical variable with levels such as 'Flat', 'Up Sloping', representing the slope of the peak exercise ST segment. 12. CA (Number of Major Vessels Colored by Fluoroscopy): A continuous variable ranging from 0 to 3, indicating the number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy. 13. Thall (Thalassemia): A categorical variable, indicating different types of thalassemia (a blood disorder). 14. Target: A binary target variable indicating the presence (1) or absence (0) of heart disease. Descriptive Statistics: The patients' age ranges from 29 to 77 years, with a mean age of approximately 54 years. The resting blood pressure spans from 94 to 200 mm Hg, and the average cholesterol level is about 246 mg/dl. The maximum heart rate achieved varies widely among patients, from 71 to 202 beats per minute. Importance for Research: This dataset provides a comprehensive view of various factors that could potentially be linked to heart disease, making it an invaluable resource for developing predictive models. By analyzing relationships and patterns within these variables, researchers can identify key predictors of heart disease and enhance the accuracy of diagnostic tools. This could lead to better preventive measures and treatment strategies, ultimately improving patient outcomes in the realm of cardiovascular health



Epidemiology, Health Informatics, Public Health, Bioinformatics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Biostatistics, Legal Issue in Medical Sciences, Cardiology
