Small World Information
We provide all data, relative metadata and the algorithm utilized for this study. In the list of simulations file, we report the list of simulations launched for this study where we indicate for each configuration, conveniently indexed, the number of words, of letters, total length and frequency of the originating stimulus. Data 1: Network layouts. We report for each of the analyzed configurations the coordinates of the nodes (NODES) and the connection matrices (MATRIX) relative to those configurations. Data 2: performance of the Networks. We report as a function of small-world-ness, for each of the networks tested for this study (ANALYSIS CONFIGURATIONS 1-101): 1. The number of repetitions (trials) 2. The maximum number of propagation steps of the signal in the networks 3. The number of active nodes 4. The total information transported in a grid 5. The total information transported in a grid divided by the information transported by the stimulus 6. The total information transported in a grid divided by the number of active nodes 7. The total information transported in a grid divided by the information transported by the stimulus and the number of active nodes 8. The maximum distance at which the information is transported 9. The node at the maximum distance at which the information is transported 10. Information at the maximum distance 11. Information at the maximum distance divided by the information carried by the stimulus 12. Then mean information transported in the network per step Data 3: original data. We report for each of the networks tested for this study the originating MATRICES of information containing for each node of the network and for each propagation step the information processed by that node (NCONFIGURATIONS 1-101). Data 4: the algorithm. We report the algorithm that was used to simulate the propagation of signals in the networks, and decode the information carried by the disturbance travelling in the grids. Moreover, we include the originating pseudocode with some of its parts commented for convenience of the reader.