Dataset: Disrupted reinforcement learing during post-error slowing in the stop signal task

Published: 2 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ysc9hfxndp.1
andre chevrier


fMRI data from "Disrupted reinforcement learning during post-error slowing in ADHD" All files are in NIFTI (.nii) format. All maps are in talairach (+tlrc) space. All directories contain an average anatomic file for display purposes. Directories and contents: maps-main study: Single subject activation maps used as input to ANOVA and correlation analyses (sub-brik#(0-13) = subject#(0-13)). go = response-phase maps (i.e. (1/2)(left+right); det = error detection maps; pes = post-error slowing maps e.g. "det-adhd" refers to error detection maps for all ADHD subjects - sub-brik #0 = subject #1 ... sub-brik #13 = subject #14. maps-replication: Single subject activation maps (as above) for replication study. Table 1 ANOVAS: Raw ANOVA output corresponding to Table 1 (and Supplementary Figure 1) for TD, ADHD, and group difference analyses (t* and estimate maps for Detect and Post-error slowing), and cluster-thresholded ANOVA outputs. Files (sub-briks): TD 0, 1: Full model estimate, F-stat(4,65) 2, 3: Fixate estimate, t*(13) 4, 5: Go estimate, t*(13) 6, 7: Stop-Go estimate, t*(13) 8, 9: Detect estimate, t*(13) ADHD 0-9: same as above TD-thresholded 0-4: Thresholded maps of %BOLD estimates during Fixate, Go, Stop-Go, Detect, and PES ADHD-thresholded 0-4: same as above diffs 0, 1: Group difference estimate and t*(26) during Detect 2, 3: Group difference estimate and t*(26) during PES diffs-thresholded 0: Cluster thresholded group difference in %BOLD during Detect 1: Cluster thresholded group difference in %BOLD during PES Table 2 ... Table 7: Raw correlation outputs (e.g. "SN-Det-go-td" refers to SN seed activity during error detection correlated with response-phase (i.e.go) activity in TD group) corresponding to Tables 2-7 (and Supplementary Figures 2-5). Extra sub-briks are appended to correlation output files, one at the beginning and one at the end. The first appended sub-brik contains a cluster-thresholded map of B1 estimates, and the last appended sub-brik contains the raw, signed correlation coefficient 'r' correlation file sub-briks 0: Thresholded map of B1 (slope term) estimates 1: Baseline offset (B0) estimate 2: Baseline offset t*(12) 3: Slope (B1) estimate 4: Slope t*(12) 5: Full F-stat (1,12) 6: Squared correlation (r^2) 7: Unsigned correlation coefficient (r) Data corresponding to confirmatory analyses portrayed in Supplementary Figures 6 and 7 are identical to the thresholded corelation maps in substantia nigra (Table 3) and raphe nucleus (Table 4).


Steps to reproduce

see methods


Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
