Data for: Data on Swiss farmers' adoption of climate change mitigation measures, individual characteristics, risk attitudes and social influences

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yshdbyj6zy.1
Cordelia Kreft


The dataset presents survey data on the adoption of agricultural climate change mitigation measures collected among 105 farmers in Switzerland in 2019. We surveyed measures farmers use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the farm level. The list comprised 13 measures related to energy use, herd and manure management as well as crop production. Additionally, data was collected with regard to farmers’ individual concerns and perceptions of climate change, attitudes and goals, self-efficacy and locus of control, income satisfaction and social influences. Moreover, risk preferences as well as loss aversion and probability weighting were elicited using a multiple price list. The survey data was combined with farm census data, containing information on farm size, farm type and age of the farmers.



Agricultural Economics
