Palynomorphs of Holocene lake deposits of the Yerkuta River Basin (the Yamal Peninsula)

Published: 1 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yspzsj4c63.1
Gulnara Nigamatzyanova,


The data include pollen records from lake sediments of the Yerkuta River Basin, the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula. Complete version of the results of the palynological analysis is contained in our work [1]. The statistical analysis has been conducted at the expense of funds of the subsidy allocated to Kazan Federal University for the state assignment #671-2020-0049 in the sphere of scientific activities and by the Kazan Federal University Strategic Academic Leadership Program (PRIORITY2030). The palynological analysis was supported by grant from Russian Scientific Foundation (No 20-17-00135). [1] G.R. Nigamatzyanova, N.M. Nigmatullin, B.I. Gareev, O.N. Tumanov, L.A. Frolova Preliminary reconstruction of climate changes and vegetation cover inferred from pollen study of the arctic lake bottom sediments from the southwestern part of the Yamal Peninsula. 21st International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2021 (2021), 4, 415-421.


Steps to reproduce

Sediment core (68°15.320' N, 69°07.675' E) was drilled by a UWITEC gravity corer in the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula, close to Baydaratskaya Bay. The core is 30 cm in length. The lithology consists of lake facies with varying amounts of silt, and silty sand. Pollen samples were collected from the interval 1 cm of the core. 2.03-2.06 g of sample was used for pollen analysis and pretreatment consisted of the following stages: 1) addition of 10% hydrochloric acid solution; 2) addition of 10% potassium hydroxide solution; 3) sifting through a 400 μm mesh; 4) addition of hydrogen fluoride; 5) storage in glycerol and mounting on microscope slides. A minimum of 330 pollen grains was counted per sample. Pollen counting was conducted with a Carl Zeiss Axio Imager A2 microscope at x400 magnification.


Kazanskij federal'nyj universitet


Arctic Tundra, Pollen, Holocene
