Fault (re)activation and fluid-induced seismicity: an example from the Val d'Agri intermontane basin (southern Italy)
Published: 8 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yt32237dp3.1
Alessio Lavecchia, Vincenzo Serlenga, Marilena Filippucci, Tony Alfredo Stabile, Giacomo Prosser, Andrea TallaricoDescription
The agri*.prm files are the input files used in ASPECT 2.3.0 for our Val d'Agri model, to simulate the compressional-extensional history of the region, based on the assumptions described in our paper. The Graph*.m files are the Matlab files to generate the graphs shown in the paper. rheo.py is the file used to calculate the Coulomb stress values shown in Fig.8. VA-seismicity_2001-2019.csv is the earthquake database obtained by merging the catalogs in Serlenga and Stabile (2019), Stabile et al. (2021), and Balasco et al. (2021). In this catalog, only the events in the dashed box of Fig.1 are included. For each event, we provide the origin time, latitude, longitude and depth.
Seismology, Numerical Modeling