Dateset for: Examining bulk and iron-associated organic carbon through depth in margin sea sediments (China) under contrasting depositional settings: chemical and NEXAFS spectral characterization

Published: 1 March 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/yt43trrky7.3


The dataset contains two tables and one figure. Table S1 presents sediment compositions and relevant parameters for iron-associated organic carbon and non-iron-associated organic carbon in three cores (YRE-4, SYS-12 and OT-8). Table S2 presents the relative abundances of organic carbon functionalities and ratios of carboxylic/aromatic and O-alkyl/aromatic in the three cores before and after reactive iron extractions. Figure S1 shows some selected carbon-1s NEXAFS spectra for sediments in the three cores before and after reactive iron extractions.



Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Ocean University of China College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences


Biogeoscience, Organic Matter, Iron, Sediment Geochemistry
