Data for: Quantifying dynamic pressure and temperature conditions on fault asperities during earthquake slip

Published: 11 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ytytnx5bkh.1
Kathryn Hayward,


# Raw data Raw Raman spectra for Maps 1-3 are provided. # Codes for replicating data presented Figure 2 b, c, d; 6 a, b; 7 a , b - Supporting Data > Python Codes > Data_treatment.ipynb Figure 8 a, b - Supporting Data > Matlab Codes > Fictivetempcalib.m Figure 8 c - Supporting Data > Matlab Codes > Coolingrates.m Supporting Data > Matlab Codes > fdheat1d.m Figure 9 a, b - Supporting Data > Matlab Codes > Fictive.m # Requirements Python code was tested with: - Python 3.7 - Scipy version 1.4.1 - matplotlib version 3.1.3 - numpy version 1.18.1 - pandas version 1.0.3 - rampy version 0.4.5 To run the code, install all the above dependencies (we recommend using Anaconda Python as it provides most of them bundled together), then using a terminal (best in Linux or Mac OS as we used Unix relative paths) and type: >>> python This runs the code and generates the figures, which are saved in ./Python Codes/figures/ . You will need to create this folder in the same directory that the python script is saved. Matlab code was run with Matlab 2018b.



Glass, Raman Spectroscopy, Structural Geology, Fault Zone, Rock Mechanics
