Raw Data and RCode: Heatwave-like events affect drone production and brood-care behaviour in bumblebees

Published: 9 February 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/ytyyjcz3w3.3
Yanet Sepulveda


Raw data, research codes, and table (statistical models) for manuscript "Heatwave-like events affect drone production and brood-care behaviour in bumblebees". Objective of study: Investigate the impact of simulated heatwaves on the performance of queenless microcolonies of Bombus terrestris audax under laboratory conditions. Mortality (File: Mortality_status.csv): The mortality of workers was measured over the five-week period on a daily basis (number of dead workers per microcolony) (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R and/or Table_Models.docx for model). Colony Growth (File: Colony_Growth.csv): The number of drones per microcolony and treatment was measured at the end of the five-week period (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for model). The exact number of drones produced per microcolony is shown in File: Colony_Growth.csv. The number of discarded larvae per microcolony was measured on a daily basis throughout the five-week period (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for model). The number of eggs, larvae, and pupae per microcolony is shown in File: Colony_Growth.csv. Food Consumption (File: Food_consumption.csv): The volume of syrup feeders was taken every three days over the five-week period and the total average was obtained (nine measurements per microcolony); ml) (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for model). Weight change (File: Weight_data.csv): Weight change of workers was obtained by collecting each individual bee with a marking cage (with the weight of the cage subtracted) and subsequently weighing them individually once a week over a five-week period using an analytical balance (body mass; mg) (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for model). Body Size and Body Mass (File: Drone_mass_size.csv): Body size (intertegular distance; mm) was obtained by measuring the distance between the bases of the wings on the bee thorax with a digital calliper after the five-week period, and the dry body mass of drones (dried at 60 ºC for five consecutive days after the five-week period and weighed to the nearest mg (VWR® LA Classic Analytical Balance)) (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for models). Behaviour (File: Behaviour_Data.csv): The total number of workers engaged in wing fanning (fanning with spread wings for at least 5 s) and the total number of workers incubating the brood (positioned on top of brood with curled abdomen for at least 5 s) were recorded throughout the heatwave simulation period. The behaviour (h-i) of workers in each microcolony was observed continuously for 7 minutes divided into 5 intervals (1 min 40 s each) on a daily basis during the heatwave simulation for a total of five days (total of 35 min per microcolony) (See Manuscript Codes - Colony Performance.R for models). Author Names and Affiliations: Yanet Sepúlveda, Elizabeth Nicholls, Wiebke Schuett, Dave Goulson. School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QG, UK.



Entomology, Climate Change, Pollination
