Data of Comparative Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment for Typical European Buildings
The dataset consists of layouts of representative European buildings, buildings' .ifc files and detailed results of the whole building life cycle assessment, as well as minimum thermal performance requirements of buildings in different European clusters. The procedure of typifying and calculating sustainability performance of European housing stock is provided in the study "Comparative Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment for typical European Buildings" conducted by Paulius Spudys, Iryna Osadcha, Lina Morkunaite, Manhanga Fallon Clare, Phoebe Zoe Georgali, Egle Klumbyte, Andrius Jurelionis, Agis Papadopoulos, Paris Fokaides. The study emphasizes the significance of considering building envelope performance requirements and adopting a holistic approach when evaluating the sustainability performance of buildings. The provided material can be utilized to replicate assessments of building sustainability and energy efficiency, while typical building geometries offer a platform for evaluating the introduction of new materials, energy efficiency metrics, sustainability upgrades, or other enhancements to the building shell. Serving as a baseline, this dataset streamlines the comparative assessment of use case buildings.
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The data is the result of a comprehensive analysis of the European building stock, dividing the EU Member States into three regions according to their characteristics. Residential buildings, which account for 75% of the stock, are detailed by area and type in each region. Typical building geometries are provided for realistic assessment, taking into account family size and layout. Specific uses and characteristics of the housing blocks in the different groups are considered during the analysis. The differences in thermal transmittance requirements between Member States are highlighted, with a generic list of thermal requirements for each country. The layouts and geometries provided help to better understand the European building stock, covering geographical differences, age profiles and key aspects of sustainable design. It also enables the research community to use the typical building geometries as model buildings for the analysis of sustainable or energy-efficient improvement solutions. This could serve as a starting point for comparative studies using the typical European buildings geometries. As far as life cycle assessment is considered, the detailed results of analysis are presented. Analysis was perform using assessment software for six typical building geometries. The Ecoinvent database and the OneClickLCA software were used for the analysis. An IFC file was used to transfer the standardised primary building geometry and material data into the software. As the primary information was uploaded and validated, software provides the results that were analysed in the referred study and included in this dataset.
European Research Executive Agency (REA)