Dataset of study on the effect of structured reproductive health education on decreasing sexual intercourse among early adolescent
This dataset is the result of data collection from study on premarital sex behavior among early adolescents. It conducted in 2019. This data set was created to perform a more complex analysis, not only descriptive analysis, but also bivariable and multi-variable analysis. To perform analysis on this dataset, Stata 13 can be used.
Steps to reproduce
We needed two data analysis software to create this dataset, namely: RDSAT 7.1.46 and Stata 13. Respondents in this study were recruited using the Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) method, so we have to first prepare the data in RDSAT format to generate data weighting. You can see step to reproduce on previous data with RDS method ( After we get the data weighting from RDSAT, then the second step is to merge the weighting data with the dataset in Stata 13.