Inclusive leadership and voice behavior: The role of psychological empowerment

Published: 24 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yvbp24djbp.1
Amjad Younas


The attached files contain the data set for the manuscript "Inclusive leadership and voice behavior: The role of psychological empowerment" along with the questionnaires which the Author(s) used to collect the data. Questionnaires contain demographic section and the scale/items measuring "inclusive leadership, psychological empowerment, and voice behavior". The attached data file was used to analyze the 4 hypotheses through SPSS and AMOS software. H1: Inclusive leadership is positively related to voice behavior. H2: Inclusive leadership is positively related to psychological empowerment. H3: Psychological empowerment is positively related to voice behavior. H4: psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between inclusive leadership and voice behavior.



Primary Data
