Effects of Pelvic Tilt on isokinetic strength measures
Published: 11 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yvn5bmh4r3.1
Eleftherios Kellis, Athanasios Konstantopoulos, Georgios Salonikios, Athanasios EllinoudisDescription
Spreadsheet file which includes raw data from Isokinetic hip extension (HE) and flexion (HF) torques from neutral, anterior (AT) and posterior pelvic (PT) tilt at 60, 120 and 180 deg/sec. The HE:HF ratios (named as ratios) and KF:KE ratios are also included for each condition, in separate columns
Steps to reproduce
Twenty-one young males and females performed maximum isokinetic concentric knee extension- flexion and hip extension-flexion efforts at 60°·s-1, 120°·s-1 and 180°·s-1 from three positions: anterior, neutral and posterior pelvic tilt. Peak torques and knee flexor-to-extensor and hip flexor-to-extensor torque ratios were analyzed.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Muscle Exercise, Hip, Knee, Sport, Torque Measurement