Supporting Data for Icelandic Riverine Freshwater Distribution, Offshore Export, and Alongshelf Connectivity
This dataset contains the supporting data for figures in “Icelandic Riverine Freshwater Distribution, Offshore Export, and Alongshelf Connectivity,” a manuscript for Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science by Michael M. Whitney (affiliated with the University of Connecticut). This study simulates Iceland’s shelf and open-ocean waters to investigate riverine freshwater distributions and transports. Tracers are applied to determine flushing times and quantify exports to the open ocean relative to downshelf transports. Results have broader relevance to Iceland’s coastal ecosystems and transports on other continental shelves. The dataset includes MATLAB data files that contain all the output data presented in the corresponding figures within the manuscript. Details about variables and units are described within the figure captions and manuscript text. Modified model code, settings, and input files are included for the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) application. The FORTRAN code files have the modifications for tracers that allow for decay in deep waters. The manuscript contains complete descriptions of methods, analysis, and interpretation. List of MATLAB data files: Figure01_data.mat Figure02_data.mat Figure03_data.mat Figure04_data.mat Figure05_data.mat Figure06_data.mat Figure07_data.mat Figure08_data.mat List of modified ROMS code files: def_info.F mod_scalars.F read_phypar.F step3d_t.F wrt_info.F ana_passive.h ana_psource.h List of ROMS settings and input files: iceland.h
Steps to reproduce
These data can be reproduced following the modeling and analysis methods detailed in the manuscript. The author can be consulted for further clarification and the author may assist when feasible.
Fulbright Program
National Science Foundation