Data for: Impact of provincial characteristics on the number of traffic accident victims on interurban roads in Spain

Published: 14 March 2018| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/yw84spgpmc.4
María Pilar Sánchez González, Francisco Escribano, Ángel Tejada


The database is configured with spanish provincial data in the period 1999-2015 with some of the following variables: - Fatalities per million vehicle-kilometres travelled. - Serious injuries per million vehicle-kilometres travelled. - Slight injuries per million vehicle-kilometres travelled. - Variable dummy for penalty-points driving licence. - Traffic volume. - Motorization rate. - Annual variation in population density. - Unemployment rate. - Precipitation. - Proportion of high capacity roads. - Investment in replacement per km of road. - Investment in construction per km of road.



Social Sciences, Road Traffic Safety, Traffic Safety
