Organic matter in the water column of the Gdańsk Basin (southern Baltic Sea) in summer 2023

Published: 25 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ywd74h9wg3.1
Katarzyna Lukawska-Matuszewska


Concentration of total dissolved carbon (TOC), chlorophyll and fluorescence was mesured in the water column of three stations located in the Gdańsk Basin (southern Baltic Sea). Samples were collected during a cruise aboard the RV Oceanograf (owned by the University of Gdańsk) from July 28 to July 31, 2023. Station depths were 52 m for MET2 and 82 m for MET1-MP and MET1-REF.


Steps to reproduce

Florescence in the water column was measured with WETlabs Eco-FLCDRTD CDOM Sensor. Seawater samples for determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and chlorophyll were collected using a Niskin bottle rosette (SBE32 12 Position Carousel System from Sea-Bird Sci.). Samples for TOC measurements were acidified with HCl to pH=2 and stored in a refrigerator before analysis in the land-based laboratory. TOC was analyzed using a high-temperature catalytic combustion and NDIR detection on a Vario TOC Cube (Elementar GmbH). The content of chlorophyll was measured via extraction with acetone and spectrophotometrically determined at 630, 647, 665 and 750 nm (Jeffrey and Humprey, 1975).


Uniwersytet Gdanski


Chemical Oceanography, Dissolved Organic Matter, Natural Organic Matter, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Seawater


National Science Center

