Color, Packaging and Culture

Published: 8 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ywkhxtp7n5.1
Arthi S S


The following dataset contains: 1. Color perception in Design (Responses) Data. 2. Pie Analysis of the Color perception in Design (Responses) by Google Forms 3. Tables containing information collected for research purposes. On Colour temperature, preference and 20 Dishes of India and South Korea under 5 topics with its color palette. 4. Named Tables from Table 3.


Steps to reproduce

The tool used was Google Forms and Microsoft Excel to retrieve this information. A Consumer Perception Survey was designed to get a direct response from a diverse group on their perception and preference of colours and packaging. The survey is in Multiple choice questions format, making users give a more precise cut answer for the questions and minimising bias. The main aim of conducting this is to get an insight into how individuals perceive colours differently in terms of packaging (especially food products) in India and South Korea. This would open up opportunities to be part of a bigger study on integrating cultural designs. Adobe Color and Microsoft Word was used to retrieve and organise dominant color concentrated on in the 20 Dishes of India and South Korea.


Symbiosis International University


Color, Culture, India, Korea, Preference, Consumer Perception, Consumer Preference
