Volumetric Images of Patient Specific Implants for Cranial Defects

Published: 4 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ywnjr7gnty.1
Dhiren Oswal,


Following data is an extension of MUG500(B) DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9616319 The 29 samples of MUG500 (B) set is first standardized to a common file format, resampled to one Region of Interest/ Latent Space to have 31 single defect per skull and implant pairs, which is then augmented to a total of 930 samples with ANTs Registration. Folder structure: DataSet/ ├── Base/ │ ├── 01/ │ │ ├── 01.nii.gz │ │ └── 01_implant.nii.gz │ ├── 02/ │ │ ├── 02.nii.gz │ │ └── 02_implant.nii.gz │ ├── ... │ └── 31/ │ ├── 31.nii.gz │ └── 31_implant.nii.gz └── Augmented/ ├── 01/ │ ├── 01_02/ │ │ ├── 01_02.nii.gz │ │ └── 01_02_implant.gz │ ├── .... │ └── 01_31/ │ ├── 01_31.nii.gz │ └── 01_31_implant.gz ├── ... └── 31/ ├── 31_01/ │ ├── 31_02.nii.gz │ └── 31_02_implant.gz ├── .... └── 31_30/ ├── 31_30.nii.gz └── 31_30_implant.gz a. Base : Contains 31 folders with each having standardized, resampled defect skull-implant pairs taken from the original 29 samples of the MUG500(B) set b. Augmented : Contains 31 folders (notation <A>, where A ∈ [0,31]) each representing a skull shape corresponding to that of <A> in the base directory. Each of these 31 folders has 30 sub-folders (Notation <A>_<B>, where A, B ∈ [0,31], A≠B) resembling the implant of B imposed on skull A.


Steps to reproduce

The MUG500(B) set has a ".nrrd" defective skull scan file, with its respective implants in ".stl" format. Front these 29 pairs, 27 pairs had single defects and 2 pairs had double defects, i.e., two defects/implants per skull. The .stl (Mesh) & .nrrd files pairs were first were converted to .Nifti (Volumetric Grid) then the manually designed implants were resampled to it's skull's Region of Interest (Latent space). Each pair with double defects was simplified to extinguished samples by combining the volumes of the defective skull with one implant at a time to increase the total available samples to 31. This standardized resampled nifti data was then augmented with ANTs' QuickSYN affine registration to obtain 930 pairs(31*30)


Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology


Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, 3D Imaging, Craniotomy
