Dataset on Experimental investigation and comparative assessment study of biofuel Yield and characteristics obtained through catalyzed and uncatalyzed transesterification of Flax seed oil (Linum usitatissimum)
These research work data were obtained from the experimental investigation and comparative assessment study of biofuel Yield and characteristics obtained through non-Catalyzed, Super Critical Ethanol, homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-catalytic (Enzymatic) transesterification of Flax seed oil (Linum usitatissimum) in Diverse Green Fuel Applications. The effects of various catalytic, non-catalytic and supercritical alcohol transesterification process on biodiesel physical properties such as density, kinematic viscosity, flash point temperature, cloud point and pour point were evaluated under American petroleum institute (API), ASTM D 6751-07b and the European union (EN 14214) recommended standard procedures and techniques. Similarly, these standard procedures were also employed to assess the chemical characteristics of the synthesized flaxseed oil biofuel such as acid number, oxidation stability, saponification number, iodine value, cetane index, biofuel calorific value, copper strip corrosion and percentages of sulphated ash, carbon residue, total and free glycerin, water and sediment among others. Reasonable consideration on the importance of repeatability in data accuracy and precision was observed in the course of the experiment.