Published: 10 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yy5ntwt6z5.1


In Pre-COVID times consumerism was meant for mere buying products for meeting daily satiable needs not thinking much of taste and preferences which was more of a conjectured buying habits except for few better consumers understanding buying needs and value authenticated products. The sole concept of the manufacturing units was idealized on various easy and nonpremeasure production techniques and methods for easy consumption based on sense gratification and fast filling profits varying from different class of people of different economy. Low priced, low quality products were also accepted in early retail days hundred years ago but later the consumers became aware of the fact that the consumption of goods should be of higher quality and services. (William T Robinson, 1985).This quality approach was supported by the selling approach where aggressive selling took over and consumers were just used as means to sell for the profitability. (Leone, 1991) By the middle of the twentieth century, more and more organizations began to feel the need of understanding customers and the consumers began to resist mass production. People came in contact with the outside world with open ended discussions ,media provocative advertorials, developing buying taste and habits, induced cognitive and behavioral process, and constant evaluation of the products in the basis of quality and quantity and of course post -buying behavior to retain with the products in the mere future or switching to a different products with same satisfying variables. This change of behavior leading to a concrete Consumer preference which led to the rise of consumerism, innovation product, rise of direct and indirect competition, changing lifestyles, increased international trade and marketing –oriented approach along with united decision- making groups like family or organization (Michael Storper, 2009).But sudden change after widespread pandemic outbreak the procedure of consumer demands is now to be understood and new choices are being made or will be made to understand each product on the basis of safety, and this will lead to a era of “new normal development” in the field of consumer behavior. In this paper we will be discussing on changing consumer behaviour and attitudes post COVID 19, why do we need to understand consumer buying habits, consumer as a decision maker Post COVID times, consumer retailing thoughts in and after 2020, post COVID Consumer motives of buying.



Institute of Management Study, Amity University Kolkata


Consumer Behavior, COVID-19
