Impact of local COVID-19 Mortality on Brazil's 2018-2022 Election

Published: 17 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yy8my7knhs.1
Lucas Falcão,


To verify whether either the president or the governors of Brazil were electorally penalized for the worst local performance (municipalities) in the COVID-19 pandemic, we built the present database with secondary data from the 2018/2022 election and COVID mortality for each municipality, in addition to variables of control over the health structure and socioeconomic indicators. There are two databases in the compressed file “databases.7z”: (i) “db_president.dta”, with data from the presidential election; and (ii) “db_governors.dta”, with data on the election for governors. We also provide Stata scripts for reproducing difference-in-differences regressions to measure the impact of COVID mortality on electoral performance ("regressions_code.7z").


Steps to reproduce

The data sources of each variable is exposed in "variables_description.xlsx" file. All original dataset is public. Once that you have download ".dta" files in "databases.7z", you can replicate the finds with ".do" in "regressions_code.7z" with Stata software.


Fundacao Getulio Vargas


Electoral Studies, Brazil, COVID-19
