Microgenesis of development: Bärbel Inhelder's legacy to psychology.

Published: 30 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yyr9v53ys4.1
Julio Cesar Ossa


This research focuses on the study of children's cognitive development, specifically in the context of problem solving, an essential skill in the educational process and the development of competencies in children. Problem solving is not only fundamental in education, but also plays a crucial role in the development of children's cognition. The main objective of this project is to analyze and understand the microgenesis of children's cognitive development through the application of a Problem Solving Situation (SRP) built in collaboration with children and teachers in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia. To achieve this, the microgenetic method will be used, which allows a thorough analysis of the processes of quantitative and qualitative change in children's cognitive development over time.


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Inhelder introduced the study of cognitive functioning as a platform that revolutionized developmental studies (Puche-Navarro, 2023). Addressing the evolution of the subject's procedures when faced with a problem in short periods of time unravels the sequences, paths -that is, trajectories- and pragmatic models of the subjects (Inhelder, 1989). In his words, the heuristic use of knowledge, i.e. microgenesis, can be observed in this resolution space (Inhelder & Caprona, 2007).


