Understand Student Attitudes Towards AI Tools Dataset

Published: 27 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/yz47kwzrx2.1
Slobodan Adžić, Tijana Savić Tot


The goal of this study is to investigate and analyze which GenAI tools university students use for academic work and to explore their attitudes towards AI in general. The authors also examined the posible diferences and similarities among students in gender, year of study, discipline in two European countries. The first objective of our study is to investigate the use of AI tools for academic purposes, as outlined in the literature above. We selected thirteen questions to design a research scale that assesses students’' ' comprehension of artificial intelligence tools. The purpose of the newly developed AI tools scale is to examine which AI tools students use. The authors' second objective was to examine university students’ attitudes towards AI. To identify these attitudes, the authors developed the Attitudes towards AI scale This exploratory research had two objectives. The first objective was to determine the practices of students regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT and AI-based tools. The second objective was to ascertain the attitudes of students towards AI. A quantitative research strategy and a survey were chosen as the research tools. The research was conducted at universities in two non-English speaking European countries, Serbia and Austria (N=337). The initial sample was intentionally selected from individuals who studied in Serbia or Austria using purposive sampling techniques. However, the method for obtaining scores within that sample was random. The survey was anonymous, and participation in the student survey was voluntary. The responses were collected electronically through a questionnaire created using Google Forms. The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions, with five of them being demographic questions, while one was an open-ended question for participants' comments. In terms of measurement, the closed-ended questions in the survey were categorized as scale types, specifically ordinal and nominal. The questionnaire included two new scales created specifically for this research: AI Tools, which comprised 13 questions, and Attitudes toward AI, which comprised 7 questions. Participants attitudes and opinions were assessed on a scale ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 indicated complete disagreement and 5 indicated complete agreement. Descriptive measures and parametric inferential statistical techniques were employed. Reliability analysis and Factor analyses were conducted to test the scales.


Steps to reproduce

Descriptive measures and parametric statistical techniques were employed, including the Power test, Independent samples t-test (Student’s, Welch’s, and Yuan’s), Bayesian independent samples t-test, One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Bayesian ANOVA, Two-way between-groups ANOVA, and Correlation (Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient). Reliability analysis and Factor analyses (Principal Components Analysis and Principal Axis Factoring) were conducted to test the scales. The pilot survey was carried out in November 2023. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25, JASP 0.18.3, and jamovi 2.3.28.


Higher Education, Attitude, Scale Development, ChatGPT
