High Resolution Hyperspectral Raman images from Nthy3-1, FTC133 and RO82W-1 cell lines - Commercial device system (Nanophoton, RAMAN-11)
Contains 70 Raw Hyperspectral Raman images from Nthyori3-1, FTC133 and RO82W-1 cell lines, measured with a commercial device system (Nanophoton, RAMAN-11). One image data consist of a three dimensional matrix, the first two axis corresponding to the pixel position and the third axis being the Raman intensity spectrum at that pixel. One image contains roughly 80000 spectra with 1000 wavenumbers each, in the range of 700 - 3000 cm-1. Basic preprocessing of the image, including wavenumber calibration and cosmic ray correction, has already been applied. Each .mat file contain two dictionaries: - origimagedata: Raw data 3darray of shape of (Width, Wavenumbers, Height) - wavenumber: 1-d array corresponding to the wavenumber values The Co_culture folder also contains brightfield and DNA/SV40 fluorescence image, useful to distinguish FTC cells from NT cells.