Additional material to the paper entitled "Hydrological time series forecasting using simple combinations: Big data testing and investigations on one-year ahead river flow predictability"
Published: 6 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z2mdnnxghg.1
Georgia Papacharalampous, Hristos TyralisDescription
The file "time_series_plots_1.html" provides visualizations of the one-year ahead forecasts of the methods in comparison to the target values for each of the 599 mean annual river flow time series examined in the paper. The presentation is made collectively for all the methods. The file "time_series_plots_2.html" provides visualizations of the same information with the file "time_series_plots_1". However, in its case the presentation is made separately for each method. The file "comparison_rankings.html" provides visualizations of the rankings of the methods for each of the 599 mean annual river flow time series examined in the paper. The files need to be downloaded to be viewed.
Statistics, Computer Science Applications, Hydrology, Stochastic Process, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Coding in Statistics, Time Series, Stochastic Modeling, Forecasting Model, Time Series Forecasting, Applied Statistics, Hydroinformatics