Global coastal springs dataset

Published: 24 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z33d3c5d8n.1
Houssne Bouimouass,


This dataset represents the first extensive global inventory of coastal springs, including both nearshore springs, discharging close to the shoreline, and offshore springs, also known as submarine springs, discharging directly onto the ocean floor. The data was gathered through a systematic bibliographic search following PRISMA guidelines. The final list of studies used to compile the data is presented in the Excel file "References". The spring’s locations were identified directly from documents, and in cases where maps were provided, they were extracted, georeferenced in QGIS, and their coordinates recorded. Additional data on coastal springs, including altitude, lithology, discharge patterns, discharge rates, and salinity, were collected when available. In total, 1,123 springs were identified, comprising 645 offshore springs and 478 nearshore springs, with a significant concentration in the Mediterranean region. The accuracy of each spring's location was verified using Google Earth. To provide context, various geological, hydrological, climatic, land use, and oceanic variables of the coastal watersheds where the springs are located (listed in the Excel file "CWD") were extracted from available global datasets. The inventoried springs and related coastal watersheds are also provided in ESRI shapefile format for quick visualization in GIS platforms. Most of these springs are located in Europe and North America, with fewer found in Africa, South America, and southern Asia. This dataset is valuable for hydrogeologists investigating the dynamics of coastal springs across diverse climatic, hydrological, and hydrogeological settings. By analysing the context of these coastal springs, researchers and water managers can identify potential zones for coastal springs and incorporate them into water resource assessments and vulnerability studies. Additionally, the dataset serves as a crucial resource for calibrating and validating geospatial methods used for identifying springs, such as remote sensing techniques. This dataset is intended to serve as a foundational resource for the development of a more detailed global inventory of coastal springs, and it welcomes contributions and updates from researchers worldwide.



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Oceanography, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Karst Hydrology, Coastal Ecology, Karst Aquifer


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