Protein and sucrose intake by captive hummingbirds
Published: 13 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z443ndp2nm.1
, , , Description
This database shows the amount of protein and sucrose ingested by two captive hummingbird species (Cynanthus latirrostris and Saucerottia beryllina). We obtained intake data for both species by conducting free-choice feeding trials. We offered hummingbirds two diets varying in protein (0.2%-2%) and sucrose (5%-30%) concentrations. Experimental trials lasted 13 days. Intake data (grams of protein and sucrose consumed per day) are reported both without body mass adjustments and divided by the metabolic body mass of the individuals (mbm = g0.75).
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Campus Morelia
Ornithology, Nutritional Ecology, Animal Physiological Ecology