Survey about Pig Production during COVID 19 pandemic in Salta, Argentina
In order to know the effects of the quarantine imposed by the Argentinian government due to COVID 19 pandemic, the authors, who are researchers at INTA Salta (National Institute of Agriculture and Farming Technology), made a survey directed to pig producers in Salta, Argentina, asking about different aspects. The survey was nested in Google drive, it had anonymous participation, with 5 multiple choice and 1 open question. Topics: Profitability, trade and commerce, measures for farm workers, difficulty in getting supplies and their suggestions regarding this pandemic situation. The link to answer the survey was sent by whatsapp to 40 pig producers who own more than 50 sows and produce hogs of 105 to 130 kg that are sent to slaughterhouses. 35% of the producers answered the survey, which was open from April 24 to April 29 of 2020. The aim of this work was to know how the COVID 19 quarantine affects pig producers in the province of Salta and to analyze the the changes that may be developing as a result of the isolation measures. Research hypothesis was that the quarantine imposed due to COVID 19 throughout the Argentine territory, harms Salta pig production, with negative effects in profitability, trade, the possibility of obtaining different necessary supplies, price obtained for sold hogs and changes regarding farm workers routines. We think this data could be useful in order to understand this particular unique situation of pandemic and could help government and other actors in the territory to take palliative measures for the pig producers based on their suggestions and needs.