Understanding crowdsourcing projects: A systematic review of tendencies, workflow, and quality management.

Published: 28 August 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z5mrss39v7.1
Fábio Neto


This dataset contains the initial results of two query process executed in the ACM Digital Library, Engineering Village, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Scopus digital libraries. The first query process cited in our work was executed in Oct. 2016, and the second in May 2017. This dataset also includes two files that respectively contain the 72 selected papers in our review and the final reference article used in our writing process.


Steps to reproduce

Query strings used in each digital library: ACM: ("crowdsourc*") AND ("platforms" "software" "application") AND ("job" "task") NOT ("crowdsensing" "crowdfunding" "survey" "review") Science Direct: TITLE-ABSTR-KEY((crowdsourc*) AND (platform OR software OR application) AND (job OR task) AND NOT (crowdsensing OR crowdfunding OR survey OR review)) IEEE Xplorer: (crowdsourc*) AND (platform OR software OR application) AND (job OR task) NOT (crowdsensing OR crowdfunding OR survey OR review) Engineering Village: crowdsourc* wn KY and (platform OR software OR application) wn KY and (job OR task) wn KY not (crowdsensing OR crowdfunding OR survey OR review) wn KY Scopus: TITLE-ABS-KEY((crowdsourc*) AND (platform OR software OR application) AND (job OR task) AND NOT (crowdsensing OR crowdfunding OR survey OR review))


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Data Reference Materials
