LCA-GIS results of prospective analysis of an end-of-life reverse osmosis direct recycling plant within Segura´s Watershed (Spain).
The files of below integrate the analyses performed for the Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of a reverse osmosis recycling plant within the Segura´s Watershed. They include GIS information, Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) results and Service Life Ratio (SLR), including Monte-Carlo results and summaries. Scenarios include two recycling strategies (BW- recycling just brackish water modules, Com-reycling BW and seawater (SW) modules; into NF-nanofiltration or UF-Ultrafiltration), three target markets scales (Regional, Iberian European ) and comparing with two commercial providers (At Europe and America). Also includes a sensitivity assessment of characterisation ratios. -Modules weight.xlsx: Includes the raw weights of the EoL-RO modules -RL_dib.csv: Includes the analysis of potential four locations for a recycling plant within the Segura´s watersheed (Spain) with the expected waste stock estimated by the desalination capacity. -Distances_dib.csv: Resumes the distances by transport medium of the transportation of recycled modules and commercial modules to the 1,000 random locations in the three target market areas -MC_prm_dib.csv: Monte Carlo results of LCIA, SLR for each scenarios analysed per 1 module recycled (main FU) -MC_pw_dib.csv: Monte Carlo results of LCIA, SLR for each scenarios analysed for the recycling implementation in the whole region (Segura´s Watershed) (secondary FU) -sum_prm_dbi.csv: the summary (mean, standard deviation and quantiles) of LCIA results, SLR for each scenarios analysed per 1 module recycled (main FU) -sum_pw_dbi.csv: the summary (mean, standard deviation and quantiles) of LCIA results, SLR for each scenarios analysed for the recycling implementation in the whole region (Segura´s Watershed) (secondary FU)